About us

CHEERS is California’s online directory and building registry for energy code compliance


CHEERS develops new technologies to push the advancement and implementation of California Energy Code.

CHEERS is the online collaboration hub that brings the right people, information, and tools together to implement California’s Energy Code (Title 24). Builders, contractors, architects, energy consultants, HERS raters and other industry stakeholders use CHEERS to document compliance with the requirements of California Energy Code. Building departments verify project compliance in CHEERS prior to issuing a certificate of occupancy or final sign-off.

California’s Energy Code was initially established in 1978 to reduce energy consumption and improve the health, safety, and economic well-being of Californians and is revised every three years. CHEERS works closely with the California Energy Commission and local building departments to implement California Energy Code.

The state’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards have saved Californians billions of dollars in reduced electricity bills.

– California Energy Commission

Solutions rooted in code and design

CHEERS provides building professionals the tools and technology needed to implement California Energy Code.

Relentless Upgrades

We are constantly updating the CHEERS platform based on user feedback. CHEERS obsessively pursues the most intuitive, accurate and secure experience for each user.

Industry-leading energy registry

Our registry and straightforward tutorials contain everything a building professional needs to register a building project for California Energy Code compliance.

Exceptional support for all users

We continually push out new updates for all users – no matter their role. Our customer and user support is second to know

Thriving partner ecosystem

CHEERS is constantly establishing new partnerships with energy industry groups with the goal of simplifying the energy documentation process and increasing compliance with energy regulation.

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